India and Covid


What’s happening right now in India reveals humanity’s fragile susceptibilities, despite all the advancements and progress that was done to deal with the deadly Pandemic, the truth is regardless of which soil in the world you’re standing in right now, no one is really safe until all of us are. At India, this is not only a matter of dealing with the shortage of Oxygen but this is also about Politics, how the local government’s response and actions can make a big difference between life and death. India’s Prime Minister Narenda Modi needs to act fast and pull all the help he can from the US, UK and the rest of the EU who can provide the needed supplies and humanitarian help. India is also home to the biggest vaccine manufacturers in the world, this means, the PM can work with these multi-national companies to override the patents and all the restrictions so they can quickly mass produce and deliver these needed vaccines to on the ground everyone.


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