DC Rally for gaza

The Washington DC Rally for Gaza held today showcases the unwavering support of regular everyday Americans for the current hardships and loss of life faced by the Palestinian people in Gaza. President Biden has faced criticism as he continues to back Israel and has refrained from calling for a significant ceasefire. Instead, he has chosen a de facto ceasefire known as a "humanitarian pause," which Secretary of State Antony Blinken is endeavoring to negotiate with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. However, it appears that Israel remains steadfast in its stance and is unlikely to change its position despite the major protest globally.

This also brings into question the 2024 situation, it seems right now Biden is not satisfying the demands and needs of his base as he stands solidly with Israel. Voters are keeping tabs on how the President is navigating through this difficult times. His Presidency is on the table. And right now, his base wants him to do the right thing and express his support for the Palestinian people.


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