Biden: Mask Off


As the new CDC mask off guidance for vaccinated individuals rolls out and America starts to realize that possibly this is the start of the return to normalcy almost a year later after Covid-19 had struck America down to its core. President Biden in the past months, had cautiously walked the fine line, braving through all the criticisms of Partisan politics, this is not just about the face mask really, but the mask was converted as a symbol of the ongoing Political divide that spans not only through geographic political locations but it goes deeper down the racial psyche of every voters. Although the guidelines still requires individuals to follow all the local and business face mask policies and regulations, the CDC guideline is a breath of fresh air and a hope after all the negative Covid news that’s bombarding our airwaves and phones. The roll outs of the vaccine and the effective deployments despite all the daily challenges can be credited to where we are right now with the CDC guideline. As President Biden unmask, we begin to realize that there’s really hope after Covid even if right now everything is still up in the air. However, because the vaccination rates in other countries are lower than that of the US, and India and the rest of the world are still fighting over the resurging cases and new Covid variants, the reality on the ground is, this Covid war is not yet over, but at least, Team Biden gave us hope that it’s working, whatever we’re doing, is really, really working.


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