Latest news at Gaza right now:
The Palestinian Red Crescent Society, a Humanitarian organization based on Gaza reports that they’re receiving serious bomb threats on Al-Qud’s Hospital with over 14,000 displaced civilians that’s currently sheltering on the hospital’s compound majority among them are women and children. Also, the organization today has received 14 trucks from their counterparts on Egypt, the Red Crescent Egypt, these trucks contains relief supplies for Gaza residents. More at Palestine RCS
A surgeon at Gaza, Ghassan Abut Sitta posted on his X account that he treated a 13 year old with White Phosphorous burns on legs and thighs, this compound is widely used on artillery shells and bombs that ignites quickly upon contact with Oxygen. White Phosphorous according to the WHO can cause “cardiovascular effects and collapse, as well as renal and hepatic damage and depressed consciousness and coma. Death may occur from shock, hepatic or renal failure, central nervous system or myocardial damage.”
The WHO statement yesterday describes the hostilities of that the people of Gaza are experiencing right now from constant bombings, communication and power black outs, the organization also calls for an immediate ceasefire: “WHO reiterates its calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, and reminds all parties to the conflict to take all precautions to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure. This includes health workers, patients, health facilities and ambulances, and civilians who are sheltering in these facilities. Active measures must be taken to ensure they are not harmed and safe passage provided for the movement of desperately needed medical supplies, fuel, water and food into and across Gaza.”