Dating Rejection

Nothing sucks in life than to be rejected by this person that you really like. So how do you cope when dating rejected? The most important thing is to not suppress these emotions, it’s ok to feel sad, and to go through those emotional journeys. That’s part of dating, and part of the process of finding that one person that you like to be with. Bottling up emotions can lead to prolonged distress and may affect future dating experiences. Allow yourself to feel and process these emotions, understanding that they are a normal response to an unmet expectation. Second, view dating as a numbers game, the right person might not come along immediately, and that’s part of the journey. Each rejection brings you one step closer to finding a compatible partner. Also, reframe rejection as a part of the dating learning curve which can help you grow and improve your future dating interactions. Like everything in life, experience always counts, after all life is the greatest teacher of all things, and that includes dating. Lastly, ask for support, a kind friend who can lend an unbiased and nonjudgmental ear can make a big difference in helping you process these terrible emotions. Positive self talk can help you navigate through the emotional situations that you’re experiencing right now and stay busy, a new activity, an interesting hobby or just taking the time off from work so you can feel things out are smart decisions in processing dating rejection.


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