7 Signs he likes you

So how do you know that he really likes you and he’s not just simply overly friendly towards you? Here’s 7 signs that genuinely says, he likes you: 1. He Pays Attention: When a guy likes you, he tends to be more attentive to what you say and do. He might remember details from your conversations, like your favorite movie or a hobby you enjoy, and bring them up in future discussions. This attentiveness reflects genuine interest in getting to know you better 2. He Makes Efforts to Spend Time with You: If a guy frequently suggests hanging out or initiates plans to spend time together, it’s likely because he enjoys your company and wants to deepen your connection. Whether it’s grabbing coffee, going for a walk, or attending events together, his willingness to invest time in you is a positive sign. 3. His Body Language Speaks Volumes: Nonverbal cues can be incredibly revealing when it comes to deciphering someone’s feelings. Pay attention to his body language when he’s around you. Does he lean in when you’re talking? Make eye contact and smile often? These are signs of attraction and indicate that he’s comfortable and engaged in your presence 4. He Initiates Contact: Whether it’s through texts, calls, or social media messages, if he consistently initiates contact with you, it’s a clear indication that he enjoys communicating with you and wants to stay connected. Initiating conversations shows that he’s thinking about you even when you’re not together. 5. He Gets a Little Nervous Around You: While confidence is attractive, it’s also natural for someone to feel a bit nervous around someone they like. If you notice him fidgeting, stumbling over his words, or blushing when he’s around you, it could be a sign that he’s trying to make a good impression because he cares about what you think of him 6. He Shows Genuine Interest in Your Life: A guy who likes you will want to learn more about you, your interests, and your goals. He’ll ask questions about your day, your passions, and your future plans because he genuinely wants to understand you better and be a part of your life. 7. He Compliments You: Pay attention to the compliments he gives you. If he goes out of his way to praise your achievements, your appearance, or your personality traits, it’s a clear indicator of his admiration and fondness for you. Genuine compliments are his way of expressing appreciation and attraction.


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